Selasa, 24 November 2015

Attractive Marble for Bathroom and Kitchen Decoration

Modern Marble Design IdeasWhether your home is a home with traditional or contemporary concept, which does not want a beautiful piece of white marble in the kitchen or bathroom?
Awesome Room Interior Design
Designer has done some neat things with this material and find a way to put it into any decor in small and big steps.
Let’s start with marble as a traditional kitchen table. Luxurious white marble with farmhouse sink that has functional with combination of high-low good.
Beautiful Marble Design Type
Marble can be used as a table and then applied vertically to the wall for the back splash that looks uniform.
It’s paired with dark colored cabinets and stainless steel appliances, this kitchen is a high contrast and modern to get a masculine dream kitchen.
Amazing Bathroom Design Model 
Marble is used as modern kitchen back splash on the counter for the application of the ceiling wall. This counter uses dark gray color in the calacatta marble to add an abstract art touch to minimalist kitchen space.

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